Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Special Box

I tend to hoard treasure a lot of the junk items I've collected over the thirteen years and 11 months I've been alive.
However, some of these items are special things.
So I keep them all together in a special box. 
Wanna see a few?

This is the necklace I wore during my trip to Africa. 
I wore it for those two-ish weeks, but haven't worn it since.

Money from other countries.
 Some of this is from when Mom and Dad went to China. Some is from Mexico, Africa, and other countries.
My charm bracelet, which I sometimes still wear, and the pin I wore at Granny's funeral.

The things my ears were pierced with and my first earrings.

Some jewelry from other countries: Mexico, China, Africa, Guatemala.

Some things of Granny's: a handkerchief, a ring, and the last note she sent me.


Anonymous said...

Megan, Thank you for sharing the items of your
"special box." All those items are so nice and memories that you will keep for the rest of your life. I hope that someday, you will add something of mine to your special box, which you can hold sweet memories of the item and of me.
I love you, Grandma KK

Anonymous said...

Wow, you made me cry. Great Granny was a lot like you and I am finding things that she saved in boxes with little notes. I think the one of the feathers of my pet rooster were the most surprising but as I think of it, how special.