Sunday, December 18, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Christmas is by far my favorite holiday.
I love love love it.
We've been to a lot of Christmas parties, eaten a lot of Christmas cookies, done a lot of Christmas shopping AND the girls and I switched rooms.
It's been a busy weekend.
It was a little crazy- We took ALL of our stuff out of our rooms, cleaned every inch of it, then put ALL of our stuff into our new rooms.

Here's my room:) We are still working on organizing all my junk, but for the most part I am moved in!

This is the girls' room. Mei Lynn sleeps on the trundle bed.
They aren't finished yet either, but we're working on it:)

The girls had their Christmas musical twice last weekend. Mei Mei was in the chorus and Maddie had a solo! 
I cried. 
Both nights.

I just can't wait for Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the room rearrangments and the rooms look great. I am sure Mom made sure you cleaned everything out :) Whose room can I share when I come to visit??
I am glad the fish moved ok.
I love Christmas too and what it means and the traditions. See you soon. Love NANA