Sunday, July 29, 2012


I have been working on something exciting for weeks, something I've been planning for and thinking about for a long time. I wrote my first post on this blog on May 13th, 2009-- over 3 years ago! Since then I've documented our life consistently in over 170 posts. But it's time to move on from The Fridge Files. 
I need a new look, a different feel, a clean slate to change my blog up a little bit. So I'd like you all to join me over at my new blog- Boundless. Nothing will change too much though, so don't worry. And you can still come back over to The Fridge Files anytime to read old posts!

So head over there and join me. Follow, subscribe via email, bookmark- whatever. And get ready for some awesome stuff!:)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Playing house and other random news...

It's Wednesday, isn't it? A whole week since I last posted.
I have been playing house all week while my mom and sisters are out of town, so I hadn't even thought to blog.
I have thoroughly enjoyed being Mom this week: I get to sleep on a nice mattress, I get to make pizza every night for dinner if I want to (don't worry Mom, we haven't actually had it every night...just most), I get to give Ben chores to do, and I get to do the laundry. {Yay!} So I've kept pretty busy.

Ben and I are going to Missouri this weekend to stay with our grandparents for a couple of weeks. We are so excited! So if I'm absent from my blog for a little while, you'll know why, though I expect to be able to post from there!

I get braces tomorrow, by the way. Just thought I'd let you all know so you'd have a chance to get a good longgg look at my teeth, since you will not see them again for a year or two.

Save the picture because its the last you'll see of me for a while!:) 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Colorado, pt. 5

On Thursday, we went white water rafting! It was soo much fun! I was a little nervous at the beginning when they were explaining what to do when the raft flips or when you get thrown out of the raft, but nothing like that happened :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Colorado, pt. 4

My camera never left my side in Colorado! So many pretty things to take pictures of!

The Smith family joined us on the Tuesday night before the 4th of July.

We built forts outside (mine was totally the best).

On Wednesday, the 4th, we went to a parade in Breckenridge. There was a fire ban, so no fireworks, but we still had a fantastic Independence Day!

{Mal really isn't that much taller than me! Just like to point that out...;)}

Silly kids:)

Whoops! We saw this after climbing all over them :)

One of the best 4th of Julys ever!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Colorado, pt. 3

We saw lots of wildlife in Colorado: mountain goats, pretty birds, deer, and chipmunks who ate peanuts out of our hands!

I wasn't a fan of feeding the chipmunks by hand, so this was my method :)

If you look closely, you can see the chipmunk biting Mei Mei! She said it didn't hurt though:)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Colorado, pt. 2

On Tuesday, we rode a lift up to the top of a mountain to find some snow. {Can you tell we're from Texas?}

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Colorado, pt. 1

I have soo many pictures to post, so this trip is going to be broken down into quite a few posts, with very little commentary :) It was so much fun! On the first few days, we played disc golf, hung out with the Onsteads at their fantastic house, and took a lot of pictures!