Sunday, September 4, 2011

You've probably noticed that I've changed my background. If you haven't, well, I'll expect a nice apology in the comments. I've also added a cute little picture banner at the top.

Do you know how long it took me to make that thing?
3 days.
Of course, I didn't work non-stop. But I worked very very hard on it, thank you very much. I worked hard for the, what, 9 people that read my blog.

You're welcome.


Anonymous said...

Nice job (as I had already mentioned to you:-)

Megan said...

I'm assuming that was Mom?:)


Anonymous said...

Now it is me (who is me you ask). I will sign my name though. The other is probably Mom. Love the new background and photo banner that you added. I could use your help. I am trying to send two pictures to someone who is doing a recipe book for Trish's shower. I hope it worked. You have your Dad's photography talents! See you soon. Love NANA