Monday, September 19, 2011

I'll settle this once and for all...

Pay attention people.
I've gotten a lot of questions from people that don't follow any other blogs- aka, my grandparents- about how to comment on my blog posts.
It's pretty simple... at the bottom of each post it will say 'Posted by MFridge at ...' then it says 1 thoughts, or 2 thoughts, or however many comments have been written. Click on it. Then another window will pop up with previous comments from others. Below that is a text box where you can leave your comment. Make sure to write your name at the end so I know who you are! Then you can go ahead and scroll down to the bottom where it will give you the option of your identity. If you have a google account you can sign in and post through your account, but it's easier just to click 'Anonymous.'
Now push 'Publish Comment,' and you're done!!
You now have no excuse for not commenting on my blog.

Go and write me a nice comment!


Anonymous said...

Hey Megan, You will have to excuse Grandy, as you know she is somewhat on the slow side when it comes to high tech stuff. As you know I did reply to your post the first time you posted eventhough it was in adifferent format. So I know you were not repremanding me for not replying and being a dunce, so to speak. Anyway, now that we understand the system we will make a comment promptly. Love You Dear. Pop-Pop Now Grandy would like to make a comment:

Meg, keep up the good work. I'm running out of spaace. Will write next time.

Megan said...

Yay! You figured it out! It's hard unless you know what you're doing.
Love you Grandy and Popop!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Megan, for the step-by-step procedure in writing comments to your blogs. Can we post
negative comments too? - just kidding--that would never happen. Your postings are always
awesome! Love you, Grma KK