Friday, February 24, 2012

This is what we homeschoolers do all day- we sit around and take crazy pictures.
We like to call it sibling socialization time, since we never come into contact with other human beings.
Afterwards, we went off to sew and make bread and shop for more denim skirts.
{I kid, I kid!}

MG got a retainer yesterday, which I think is the funniest thing ever! 
She's had a hard time talking, but it's super cute when she does!
Maybe I'll convince her to let me take a video of her saying something...

Oh yeah...I kinda skipped right over Ben's birthday, which was a few days  before Mei Mei's, but I'm totally done with birthdays for the year.
I've eaten more birthday cake in the last 6 weeks...

Ben doesn't want to be mentioned on the blog anyway:)
So happy birthday secret-person-who-wishes-to-remain-anonymous!


Hannah John said...


Anne Marie said...

Haha! I get a kick out of how most people think homeschoolers don't have a life. :P But we know our lives are awesmola! :P

Anonymous said...

Great posts. Your comments about homeschoolers are really funny. You sound like Tim Hawkins.
Keep working on 15 before 15!Love NANA