Thursday, December 29, 2011

Chillin' with the cousins

Mei Mei's gum fell out of her mouth right as we took this pic, that's why we're all laughing:)

Too much fun:)


Anne Marie said...

Awesome! There's nothing like cousins. I love the 3rd and 4th pics the most. Happy New Year! :)

-Anne Marie

Anne Marie said...
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Anne Marie said...

Oh, and I was going to list your blog under my "good reads" page but I wasn't sure if you wanted people to have a link to your blog, so I thought I'd ask. Do you mind if I list it?

Megan said...

Anne Marie- That would be fine! I'm so glad you think my blog is a "good read":)

Anonymous said...

Great read! I have enjoyed your Missouri posts. Love the gum fallng out of Mei Mei's mouth. Happy New Year.