Monday, November 21, 2011

5 States- 1 Day

We've already been through five different states just today: Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania!
Now we are here at Nana's until Sunday.
Last Saturday was spent at Grandpa Jim and Nana Leslie's house, and Sunday at our aunt and uncles' house.
Here's pics from our Thanksgiving lunch at Aunt Amy and Uncle Mike's house:

They had gotten a new puppy the day before and he was sooo cute!

The kid table:) I graduated to the adult table this year!

These are kinda out of order,  but this is the hike we took with Grandpa Jim and Nana Leslie- Ben said it was the best hike ever!

The cousins and grandparents!

We took a drive-through tour of New York: 

The George Washington bridge

Skyline from the Jersey side.

This is the only view we got of the Statue of Liberty- see if you can find it:)

It's been a fun first few days of the trip- the next six days are going to be in Pennsylvania with Nana, with a wedding on Saturday! 
More posts soon!


Brittnie said...

You guys are busy travelers! That puppy is too cute. :)

Uncle Bob said...

I hope Ben is finding some geocaches in all those states! His map will look great with a cache in each state. Should be plenty of easy ones in the area.

Jkcdjfamilies said...

I am going to need some help with the Statue of Liberty!