Monday, September 12, 2011

4 Years

Today was 'Sibling Day.' A few weeks ago was 'Gotcha Day.'
Both of these celebrate the days we met Mei Lynn. Gotcha Day is the day Mom and Dad picked her up in China:

Sibling Day is the day we- the siblings- met her for the first time. 
Her picture had hung on the refrigerator for months.
We'd known her name for a year.
We'd known about 'China Baby' for almost 3 years.
Then, on September 12th- the China Baby came home! 
She ate a banana, met the siblings- who she now claims "freaked her out"- and became the fourth little Fridge kid.
A little freaked out by these crazy people!


...and now!

She looks totally different from what she looks like now!!

We three have always been pretty tight.
Here's us doing some deep thinking:)

But we all agree- we can't even IMAGINE life with out our silly little Mei Mei.

'Jia-Jia' and 'Mei-Mei'
(big sister and little sister)

Mei Lynn is Maddie's shadow. She does everything that MG does!

Ben makes Mei Mei laugh so hard! They have so much fun together:)

We love our little China Baby so much, and we have enjoyed every second of our 4 years with her.

Love you sweet girl.


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a precious post and such memorable moments in pictures. You are the perfect Jie Jie. Thanks for such sweet thoughts, Meg. (She really was 'freaked out' wasn't she?!)
Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Megan, What a special blog. I remember when Mei Mei came home so well. I am so glad I could be a part of that special time. Thanks for posting and reminding me of that special time. See you soon. Love NANA

Grandma KK said...

Megan, This is such a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing these very special events with us. (I didn't even know about "Gotcha & Sibling Day".) Those dates will on my calendar from this day forward!
I remember your parents said the people on the streets of China came up to them and said, "Lucky
Baby", because she was being adopted and going to America. Those people didn't know just HOW
LUCKY that baby was- to be adopted into the wonderful Fridge family, with such loving parents and sweetest brother and sisters. I have sent this
posting to many of my family and friends because
I am so proud of you all, and happy for Mei Lynn.
She is the sweetest little sister you could ever have
and it's because of her family be the sweetest
there ever was. Thanks for being a wonderful
Jei Jei! I love you, Grandma KK