Sunday, August 7, 2011

Maddie Grace

Maddie and I went on a photo shoot bike ride. We went to a nearby lake and "ditch." I've been practicing with my dad's camera and editing system, and I think I did pretty well this time:)
And while I'm showing you pictures of MG, I might as well tell you about her...

Maddie's a little diva. She's always rockin' out to her Amy Grant and Yes. (and yes, this Yes band is the same one that was popular in the 80s:)

She's very daring:) She wanted to stick her feet in the lake.....didn't happen.

Maddie is always thinking...she loves reading her Bible and asking questions. Sometimes questions I can't answer:)

 She has also lost two teeth in the past week...and she's quite proud of it. 
Unfortunately, one of the teeth was lost before the tooth fairy got a hold of it. So, of course, Maddie wrote a note to the tooth fairy saying:
"One of my teeth fell out, but then I lost it.
If you don't believe me check my mouth."
:)Makes me laugh every time:)

Maddie loves nature. She's constantly throwing out random facts about bugs and animals. She's also loves playing with our dog.

Maddie is a "girly-girl". She loves getting her nails painted and going shopping!

Some would say the last two thoughts about Maddie don't work together. 
Apparently they do in 7 year old girls.

Maddie loves bike rides with me, and she LOVES being my model;)

Maddie is paranoid about sitting on sticker took forever to convince her it was okay to sit down.
(it kind of shows in her face!)

Maddie and I love hanging out together. We talk about other siblings, games, dogs, fish, songs, family, church, school, clothes, and other such things all the time. She fake-cries every time we talk about me going to college.  I pretend to cry when she talks about her birthday. (my little baby sister is almost 8!!) Maddie formed the "Sweetest Sisters Club" for the three of us. We hold regular "meetings." Fun stuff.

I also had a photo shoot with Mei Lynn too. I'll save that for another day though...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. Maddie Grace is so lucky to have such talented photographers in the family. You did a great job with her. It must be nice for you, too to have someone who is willing to sit in front of the can get lots of practice.

Very nice pictures.