Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mei Mei- Our "China Baby"

I thought that I would post about my sweet Mei Mei. We have had Mei Mei for 2 years now and my mom and I were remembering that exactly 2 years (Or maybe it was 3 years???) and 3 days ago, we had seen Mei Mei for the first time- in a picture. That was our referral day. Now I can't even remember what it was like without her! She has changed our lives in so many ways:
  1. We can no longer sleep in until 7 o'clock
  2. We have to spell out c-o-o-k-i-e-s and p-o-o-l, so she doesn't get too excited
  3. The "inside voice" rule is disobeyed frequently
  4. The noise level.......*scream*...... never mind
  5. Wherever we go, our "shadow" follows us
  6. "Megam","Bem", "Sissie', Mommy, Daddy and "Gwacie" are blessed everyday, because of the gift God has given us!
I have put some of the most adorable pics of Mei Mei here- and there are more where they came from!!!


Anonymous said...

Mei Lynn is indeed such a blessing! The Smith family is also blessed by her. I love your 6 ways she has changed your life.


Mallory said...

She is soooo cute!! I love the one of her at the bowling alley.


Nana said...

You are amazing with your updates. Like you, I can't remember when we did not have our Mei Mei. My four grandchildren are the BEST! Nana

Mallory said...

Love the new backround!


Megan said...

Thanx! I love the new earrings! ;-)